
Towan Class (Reception)

Welcome to Towan Class
Mrs Gunningham is your class teacher.  Miss Hornegger will be our Teaching Assistant who will be supporting us every day of the week in the mornings. On Tuesday afternoons whilst Mrs Gunningham has PPA time, Mrs Humphreys will be covering. 
Welcome to Towan, we encourage and foster a love of learning by creating stimulating environments and planning exciting activities. We aim to inspire and encourage children to become responsible and independent learners. We listen to the children in Towan, about what they would like to learn, therefore the children have real ownership of their learning. We have questions to investigate and provide adult and independent learning opportunities, inspiring the children's interest and fascinations and to encourage children to answer their own questions.
In Towan Class, we follow the Statutory Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage. We also use the Development Matters document to support us in our planning and assessments. The links below will take you directly to both documents, which are provided here for you to read.
At Tregony we follow the systematic approach to phonics called Read, Write Inc. This is the way that your child will learn how to read and write. 
The scheme starts with children learning individual sounds that will provide your child with the knowledge and ability to break down words into sounds to read and blend them back together to spell. 
To find out more about RWInc please see our RWInc page Curriculum - English - Phonics 
This is taught on Wednesday afternoons. Please ensure that labelled P.E kits are in school on this day and that children have shoes and warm clothes as we aim for them to be outside as much as possible. 
We hope that you find the information useful on our class page, but please come and see a member of the Towan team if you have any questions or queries or please feel free to email me on;
In Towan Class we use Tapestry, an online system to record and share your child's learning and fun throughout their Reception year. You can download the application on your smart phone or tablet, or use the computer and we will email you when a new page is added to your child's learning journey, which you can view and comment on. 
We love hearing about the stories and wonderful things you do at home, so please make your own observations and add your child's photos and videos. 
EYFS Curriculum
Towan's Curriculum:
In Towan we follow a skills based curriculum which builds upon skills that children have learnt in Nursery and prepares them in order to be ready for year 1. We plan provision and lessons based on these skills. 
In Towan Class we use 'Master of the Curriculum' approach to deliver our mathematics teaching. This helps children to learn key skills whilst embracing mathematics challenges. Lessons and resources are underpinned by White Rose and focus on three concepts that help children work toward maths mastery. 
Fluency - Fluency tasks help children strengthen their foundation knowledge. They practice applying their skills and understanding to different number problems with varying contexts and levels of complexity, while independently choosing the method they use to tackle number problems successfully. 
Problem Solving - through problem solving lessons and activities children are encouraged to use their mathematical skills and understanding to solve problems unfamiliar to them. 
Reasoning - maths reasoning tasks get children thinking about number problems logically so they can reach conclusions, find solutions and decide which methods to use and why. 
Learning Organisers:
Extra useful Information:
Examples of Children in Continuous Provision: