

Mrs Laura Read

Assistant Headteacher and SENDCO

At Tregony Community Primary School, all children are valued, respected and welcomed to our school whatever their additional educational need. We will support their learning and ensure they are included in all school activities. 

Special Educational Needs

The Code of Practice for Special Education Needs gives the school the responsibility of identifying children with special educational needs and ensuring ‘appropriate’ provision is made.
It is the policy of the school to identify any child with a special educational need at the earliest possible age in order that the appropriate provision can be made; this is done through a combination of observations, tracking the outcomes of assessments and through discussions with parents. Those experiencing difficulties will, after consultation with parents, be placed on the SEN register of need. Children with special educational needs may include those with physical disabilities, hearing or visual impairment, emotional and behavioural problems, language or specific learning problems.
For more information, this is a link to Cornwall Council's page, 'Care and Support' and their Local Offer: Cornwall Local Offer
The Council have launched a Health Advice Messaging Service which aims to link families with health visitors and school nurses. Called 'Chat Health', it aims to provide a quick and easy way to access health advice and support about anything from potty training to drugs and alcohol support. You can access details for the service here:  Chat Health
Cornwall Council, in partnership with Together for Families, publish a regular newsletter for parents and carers of children with SEND. You can read the latest edition here: https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/schools-and-education/special-educational-needs/send-newsletters/
The school's annual SEN Information Report can be found below.

If you have any concerns, or would like further help or advice about supporting your child's needs, please talk to your child's class teacher or our SENCo. We will be happy to help!