
Porthluney - Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Our class teachers are Mrs Rogers (Monday) and Miss Worledge (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). Our teaching assistant is Mrs Paulley.

  • Reading Records will be collected every Thursday and reads will be counted (a maximum of 7 a week) in order for children to move through our Karate Reading levels.
  • P.E will be taught on Monday afternoons and on Fridays, in the form of our sailing sessions. Please ensure that P.E kit is in school all week and that children have shoes that can be worn outside.
  • We will visit the library once a week on a Monday morning.
  • Your child also has logins for TimesTablesRockstars, which we encourage them to access regularly. 

If you have any queries, please feel free to email me on zworledge@tregony.cornwall.sch.uk

Knowledge Organisers
Maths Resources
Easter Homework