


The Roseland Multi Academy Trust has a three tier governance structure: Local Monitoring Governors, Trustees and Members.  Our Trust’s Articles of Association along with our Governance Framework set out the roles and responsibilities of each level of governance.

Our two Local Monitoring Committees are our community links for our schools.  We have established one committee to oversee the work of our secondary schools, and another committee to oversee the work of our primary schools.  These committees monitor the Quality of Education in our schools and our schools’ Improvement Plans through their attendance at regular meetings, interrogation of independent reports and data and through first hand visits to the schools to observe and meet with our staff and students. 

These committees each have three parent and two staff Local Monitoring Governor positions, along with four community governor positions and any number of Trustee appointed governor positions.

 The Board of Trustees delivers the three core functions of governance:

  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Hold the Headteachers and CEO to account for the educational performance of the schools and its pupils, and the performance and management of its staff;
  • Oversee the financial performance of the MAT and schools ensuring its money is well spent.
The Members sit above the Trustees, holding ultimate responsibility for the Trust achieving its charitable objectives.  The Members appoint the majority of the Trustees and ensure that the Trustees are carrying out their duties effectively.  The role of Trustees and Members is strategic, not operational and is often described as that of a critical friend, providing support but also challenge.

Members hold an annual general meeting and attend Board meetings as observers periodically.  The Board of Directors meet five times a year.  Our Local Monitoring Committees meet six times a year.

All Local Monitoring Governors, Trustees and Members can be contacted by using the details provided on the contacts page of each individual school’s website or by emailing the Trust's governance professional Camilla Fox cfox@theroselandmat.co.uk